We, the voices of the 12 shattered districts, hereby declare the following truths to be self-evident.

The Midnight Tribunal, a shadowed organization of godlike dictators, has woven itself into the fabric of our world like a parasitic infection, poisoning our districts and killing our people. They operate under the guise of order and protection for the New Dawn, yet their actions reveal a far darker purpose. Their crimes are innumerable, their sins unforgivable, and their existence an affront to the balance of life itself.

The Midnight Tribunal must die.

MT-X - The President - For his role in perpetuating the Tribunal’s lies, and manipulating the people of the New Dawn District.
- The Manager - For her role in sustaining the Tribunals power, and siphoning wealth into the New Dawn District, leaving the other 12 to rot in poverty.
- The Genius - For his role in enabling the Tribunal’s operations, and being complicit in the trafficking of human children.
- The Chef - For his role in sustaining the Tribunal’s corruption, and the hoarding of an abundance of food and resources.
- The Computer - For his invasion of privacy and his role in the Tribunal’s omniscience
- The General - For his role as the Tribunal’s warlord, and for his role in the deaths of millions of innocents.
- The Nightmare - For their violation of mental privacy and autonomy, and their role in the trafficking of human children.
- The Wall - For his role in being MT-I's abhorrent lap dog
- The Angel - For her blasphemy against the natural cycle of life and death, and her role in sustaining the lives of the Midnight Tribunal
- The Administrator - For his role in forming a council of corrupt and malicious gods that follow his every command. He is the founder of the New Dawn District, the most powerful man alive, and the rot at the heart of the Midnight Tribunal’s putrid empire.

By the authority vested in the leaders of Districts 1-12, {Signed Name} is hereby permitted to execute the eradication of the Midnight Tribunal by any means necessary. All available resources, personnel, and assets are to be placed at their disposal without question or delay.

By signing this contract, you hereby pledge to devote every waking moment to dismantling the New Dawn District, and killing the Midnight Tribunal.