In a room devoid of light, a half man half machine awakes from his sleep, his metallic body detaching and unplugging from his standing coffin shaped bed. A soft crunching is heard as his systems start up and adjust, the light fading on as the agent's eyes open.
In front of the agent, filling the empty space in his room, was a man– leaning back in his chair, his legs up on the desk that’s built into the wall as he continues to consume potato chips in his lap. He smiles upon seeing the agent wake up, taking one last chip and crunching down on it, then crumpling up his bag and taking his feet off the desk.
“James…” Agent 8 says as he rests his head on his metallic hand– his systems still adjusting to waking up. “Have you just been sitting in the dark?”
“Felt like it would be rude to wake you” James said as he moved his chair to face him. “Plus, I didn’t mind waiting.”
“I can tell.” Agent 8 responded. “Are you just feeling social? Or did something happen?”
“A bit of both my friend- thought we could go to the facility training area and talk about something that happened this morning.” James said as he tossed his empty crushed bag on the desk next to him.
“You know the training room isn’t the only room we are allowed to go to in this huge facility,” Agent 8 said as he crossed his arms. “Feels like most days I spend all my time there.”
“I mean- you spend as much time as we have here, you’re bound to have a routine” James responded.
“Listen,” He continued. “I don’t care where we do it, I just gotta tell you what happened”
“Spit it out James” Agent 8 said as James stood, the two facing each other.
“Abel caught someone trying to sneak into the facility.” James said, Agent 8s eyes widening upon hearing.
“Sneaking in here? I thought it was impossible.” Agent 8 said as he looked away thinking.
“Who was it?” he finished, looking back to James for an answer.
“You’re not gonna believe this”
The room was dark and empty, the only sound a soft buzzing of a yellow fluorescent light shining above a man slumped in a chair. His wrists were bound tightly together and his head had a large bruise from whenever he was apprehended and made unconscious.
As his eyes opened, his head writhed in pain. He looked around the dark room, realizing his predicament slowly as he collected himself.
“fuck-” The man mumbled under his breath as he understood the gravity of his situation.
Next to the man sat a table, gleamed with an array of tools, ones the man was familiar with. He studied the devices before noticing the floor below him, the concrete stained with dried blood and bodily fluids.
He wasn’t the first to be in this room and he knew it. Thoughts raced through his mind as to how to get himself out of the room he was in. Resting his head backwards and taking a deep breath, he hears the door to his front left open.
A figure moved through the shadows in front of him, his presence more felt than seen as it walked to the middle of the room. The darkness clung to him like a second skin, revealing only the faintest outline of his broad shoulders and the sharp angles of his silhouette.
The figure seemingly leans against the wall in front of the tied up man, his demeanor cold and quiet as he remains unseen but unmistakably present. It sat in silence, waiting for the man to break the stillness that envelops the two–
Then it happens.
“I swear to you and whoever is in charge here, this is a complete misunderstanding. My name is Fredrick Alan Porter, I don’t work for whoever you think I work for– I am completely independent and all my rese-”
“stop talking.” The figure said softly but firmly. Alan listened as he closed his lips, fearful for his life.
“what district are you from?” The figure asked Alan.
“I’m originally from this district– District 8.” Alan began to say, “I’ve been travelling around what's left of the world, the shattered districts, all but the New Dawn District. They don’t allow visitors or uh– leavers,” Alan said, The figure shifting slightly as he speaks.
“My goal is to expose the New Dawn district- If you searched my stuff, it would corroborate what I am saying.” Alan continues.
The figure moves closer, Alan flinching in his chair as he reaches for a scalpel on the table next to him.
“Maybe that’s true, but it doesn’t explain how you managed to find yourself all the way down here, or why I shouldn’t kill you” The figure said as he fidgeted with the knife in his hands.
Alan hesitates before speaking.
“When I left this district years ago, it was only partially quarantined with some residents. Now, it's empty, and I couldn’t find a single person anywhere that wasn’t infected or dead– I just wanted answers, so I did some digging and found this place.”
“Please. I can give you information that no one else in the world knows, I am the only one who has the truth–”
“Listen uh– If you let me use my gift, I have proof of a secret group of individuals that have great influence over the 12 shattered districts as well as pull the strings under the New Dawn. I’ll tell you everything I know, you can’t risk killing me with the information I have, please!”
The figure puts his hand over his mouth, his composure breaking as he starts to laugh softly, slowly building into hysterical laughter. The figure leans against the wall and continues laughing as Alan lowers his head in defeat, thinking that the figure in front of him does not believe him.
As the figure wipes the tears from his eyes with his offhand and sighs, he then finally speaks.
“You are quite funny.” He said. “But I've heard enough.”
The figure then steps towards Alan and the scalpel to his throat, his face still hidden from the dark, his gloves the only thing visible from the light.
“WAIT! WAIT!” He cried as he shook himself in the chair,
“I know things! Things people like you would wanna know–Please!”
As the figure begins to puncture Alan's throat with his scalpel–
The door behind the figure swings open, and light floods the room.
The figure finally comes into clear view—a tall, broad-shouldered man with an authoritative presence. His hair is styled in a sharp 90s middle part, giving him an almost dated yet striking look. What truly catches the eye is the jagged, inflamed scar running down the left side of his body- Its edges raw, pulsing faintly with a sickly hue, as if it’s alive, spreading just beneath the surface.
As he rises slowly, he turns toward the door. The scalpel in his hand glints faintly as he lowers it to his side, its reflection catching the light just enough to remind Alan it’s there.
“I’m sorry I just HAD to see what was so funny that you laughed that hard in an interrogation-” James says as he reveals himself to be responsible for the door swinging open.
Neither Alan nor the interrogator speak, they both just simply stare at James.
“Sooo uhh, how did he manage to sneak into ‘Gods Blind Spot’? Is he above god?” James says, as the man throws down his scalpel on the table, pinching his nose bridge in frustration with his off hand.
“Were you ABEL to get some information out of hi–”
James' body falls to the floor with a heavy thud, lifeless and still. Abel exhales sharply, the sound cutting through the silence, as he tucks the gun back into the holster at his waist.
Alan sits frozen, his wide eyes locked on James’ body, which begins to dissolve unnaturally, melting into the floor like smoke. All that remains is a strange, intricate symbol etched in blood, staining itself into the ground.
Before Alan can process what he’s just witnessed, Abel shuts the door with a quiet click, sealing them in. Then, James reappears, whole and unharmed—standing beside Alan with his arms crossed casually, as though nothing had happened at all.
“W-What the fuck…” Alan says, stuttering on his words as sweat beads begin dropping down his forehead.
“Relax man- It’s just my gift. Everyones got one, you, me, even the grumpy guy over there.” James begins to say, gesturing to Abel. “You must have really made him mad huh? For him to do that”
“It’s you I'm mad at James. This isn’t the first time you’ve interrupted something like this” Abel says as he envelopes himself in the darkness once more.
“Y-Your face,” Alan begins to say as both Abel and James draw their attention to him, “It’s just like the Exodus Virus…You’re infected, aren’t you?”
Abel doesn’t respond. He just sits in the darkness of the room and crosses his arms.
James then crouches down next to Alan and puts his arm around his shoulder before speaking.
“No need to worry about him, his gift makes him immune to the effects– Doesn’t make him any prettier though” He says as he stands back up.
“I’m growing tired of this. We need to wrap this up, I have too much to do.” Abel says.
“But you haven’t even told me what was so funny…”
“I was offering information on a secret group of leaders under the New Dawn– I told him I had reason to believe that they have influence over every district; but he didn’t believe me” Alan interrupts, staring up at James.
James stares back at Alan in silence, before smirking and turning towards Abel.
“Shit.” He says as he points to Alan at his left, “I see why you were laughing.”
Abel covers his mouth with his hand and lingers, James moving his hand to scratch the back of his neck awkwardly.
“What!? What is so fucking funny or awkward!?” Alan yells as he grows frustrated with how the two are acting.
“What’s your gift man? What powers were you born with?” James asks.
Alan sits up and sighs before responding.
“I can create an endless pocket dimension to store things in, as long as I have a sharp object. If you let me show you, I can prove what I am saying”
James doesn’t speak, he simply looks over to Abel and gives him a look, Abel gesturing him to untie Alan as he grabs his firearm once more.
After James grabs a knife from the table, he cuts the ropes that bind Alan's wrist to free him before standing once more and tossing the knife on his lap.
Alan rubs his wrists to ease the pain, before slowly grabbing the knife on his lap while staring at Abel’s silhouette, fearful.
He raises the knife slowly, the tip of the blade puncturing the air, seemingly cutting nothingness. With a slow, deliberate drag downwards, he cuts open a rift in reality, its interior visible to everyone in the room.
Alan reaches his hand into the void, his fingers brushing past drifting floating documents until they close around a specific file. He pulls it out, the rift sealing itself behind him as he hands it to James, the title of the file labeled “New Dawn District”.
James takes the file and the knife from his hands as he puts the knife down and begins flipping through the pages, his eyes widening as he speeds through it.
“How did you figure this all out without being killed?” James asks, occasionally looking up to meet Abels disinterested gaze.
“I uh-” Alan hesitates, confused by his concern, “I have reason to believe that electronic devices are compromised by someone in the organization under the New Dawn, so I exclusively use paper or physical files and store them in my pocket dimension”
James closes the file and lowers it to his side, looking at Alan with an impressed look.
“Can you store other things in this rift of yours? Maybe weapons or firearms?” James asks.
Alan nods in response.
“Hm.” James hums.
“Alright!” He begins to say as he walks towards the door, tossing the file in Alan's lap as he speaks to Abel. “If my opinion matters, I want him on the team, as long as you clear him of being a spy”
James exits the room and leaves the door creaked, light revealing Abels figure once more to Alan, as he grips his firearm tightly and grimaces.
James walks through the facility, greeting passing people as he looks for his friend. He walks across the large bunker to the training area, his first guess as to where Agent 8 might be at this time of day.
As he walks closer and closer, he sees his friend inside the room practicing his aim, hitting the bullseye on a target over and over.
James waves to him, Agent 8 noticing as he empties his magazine.
“What happened to, ‘the training room isn’t the only room we are allowed to go to in this huge facility’?” James teases as he walks closer and jumps up to sit on the table behind him.
Agent 8 chuckles softly, putting his gun down before turning and leaning against the shooting table.
“Everything go well? I saw the blood symbol you leave when you die on the hallway floor outside the interrogation room.”
“Ha!- Yeah, everything is fine. Just poked the bear a little bit.”
James nods.
“So…What's the deal with the mysterious male intruder?” Agent 8 asks as he crosses his arms and listens intently.
“Well…I kinda vouched for him. He had a really unique gift that could help us, and he impressed me by how much he knows and how far he got without being killed.”
“Are you sure we can trust him?”
“I can’t be a hundred percent sure, but I read some of his research. He seemed genuine, and his gift is so useful it’s honestly worth the risk of trusting him”
Agent 8 lowers his arms and smiles,
“I trust what you trust, but it’s up to Abel to decide what we do with him. I’ll vouch for you if it comes to it” Agent 8 says before he turns back around, reloading his firearm and shooting once more.
“Thanks Harry.” James says as he leans back and sighs, thinking of all the ways the next few hours could go.
ELSEWHERE, Inside the New Dawn District…
Inside the Capitol building of the District, a woman named Mary moved briskly through the halls, her heels clicking softly against the polished floor. She adjusted her clipboard against her chest and smoothed out the wrinkles in her dress, before pushing up the sunglasses she’s wearing to hide her eyes. The walls around her were lined with ornate paintings and gilded frames, their eyes seeming to follow her as she passed.
Finally, she reached her destination, a dressing room tucked away at the end of the corridor. Without hesitation, she pushed the door open and stepped inside, the quiet hum of the building fading behind her.
“Ah, Mary– I was wondering when you would show up, I can’t seem to get my tie right”
The man inside the dressing room said.
He was a well known figure in the district, the poster boy for the New Dawn, and also the president. His name is Bastian Hinterwald, and at this moment he’s preparing to make a speech to the people of the New Dawn district.
“You’re Helpless” Mary says as she walks up to Bastian, helping him with his tie.
Around the two in the room was a typical dressing room interior with a tv mounted above them on the wall. The room was neat and aesthetic, with a futuristic white theme, a typical look for most rooms in the capitol.
As Mary continues to fix Bastian's tie intently, the two sit in silence as Bastian analyzes her
“Are you alright?” He asked.
She didn’t respond, she simply continued fixing the tie as she lingered on the question. Bastian then grabs her wrists softly, lowering her hands to hold them.
Mary sighs deeply as she looks away somberly.
“I’m alright- I just have a lot to do today. Lots of planning.”
Bastian takes his offhand and removes Mary’s sunglasses, before tilting her chin towards him, trying to make eye contact with her.
Mary hesitates to meet his gaze, but once she does, the two share an intimate moment as she laughs softly and rests her head on his chest.
“This is enough…” She said as Bastian embraced her.
As the two sat in a warm silence, the TV behind them flickered to life with a sharp click. The screen glowed, casting a light across the two. Slowly, an electronic figure materialized—a humanoid AI model, its form sleek and unnervingly lifelike. It was bare, with a featureless, doll-like body and long, flowing hair that cascaded down to its knees, obscuring its eyes. The figure stood motionless, its presence both serene and unsettling, like a ghost trapped in the machine.
“Am I interrupting something?” The AI said smugly, its smirk seen through its long messy hair.
Mary quickly pushes Bastian off of her and jumps backwards, before turning and screaming at the screen- her calm demeanor shifting to an aggressive one.
Bastian chuckles before asking the screen a question.
“What is it you need, Lucius?”
“Got some information on an upcoming event for the New Dawn– MT-Ⅸ ears only.” Lucius says.
Bastian lifts his hands in the air and chuckles,
“That's fine, I got a speech to deliver anyway– guess I’ll find out later” Bastian says as he exits the room.
Mary gestures to the screen to get on with it before crossing her arms.
“Just finished talking with the man downstairs, he’s approved of you being in charge of the orchestra event and you have the responsibility to decide a date and inform the public today or tomorrow”
“I’m shocked I still have to ask for permission, the responsibility always falls back on me anyway. I feel like I do more than him sometimes”
“Don’t be ridiculous, The Administrator does more than all of us– we’re just kept in the dark for a lot of it.”
Mary sits down slowly on the chair behind her, taking a deep sigh.
“I know you’re right… It’s just been so long since I’ve seen him. I’ve forgotten what he even looks like.” She begins to say as she rests her head on her hand, “I just wish he would contact me himself sometimes, instead of using you”
“I’ll let him know his hardest worker misses him, if you’d like”
“Don’t bother, I know how busy he is these days. I’ll find an opportunity later to talk with him”
Mary says as the two then sit in silence, both enveloped in their own thoughts.
Mary then breaks the silence with a question.
“Why couldn’t Bastian be here to listen? I feel like that wasn’t important enough to just be my ears only” she asked as she sat up slightly.
“Oh right- I almost forgot.” Lucius begins to say, “the orchestra will have a very special guest in attendance.”
Mary’s eyes widen as she stares at the screen.
“Is it who I think it is?” She asked.
“Yes. She asked to speak with you when you are available, no rush.” Lucius says.
“Alright. Thank you Lucius.” Mary says, Lucius’ screen avatar nodding before the television clicks off.
Mary stands and puts her sunglasses back on her face, then grabbing her pen and writing a note on her clipboard-
‘Speak with Alice’
Inside of a large twenty person meeting room, a measly three people linger.
Agent 8 and James sit in one of the empty rolling chairs, waiting and resting as James spins in his rolling chair. Abel stands at the front of the large table, his eyes closed and his arms crossed as he leans against the wall. All three are waiting on something, until they hear the door creak open.
Alan walks through the door slowly, his demeanor shaky and uncertain as he makes a mental note of everything he can see. His hair is wet from bathing himself and his clothes taken lost and found– a large baggy white t-shirt and shorts that are just a little too big for him.
As Alan stares at the three individuals who were waiting patiently for him, he decides to break the silence.
“I think this facility has everything a man could need– I haven’t had a room or a shower that was my own in years” He says as he goes to sit down at the far end of the table, opposite to Abel.
Agent 8 looks Alan up and down as James smiles at him, before Abel speaks.
“Try to relax and stay calm. What we are about to drop on you will change the trajectory of your life.”
“Is he really ready to hear this? What if he freaks out or tries to leak this information?” Agent 8 chimes in, catching Alan off guard.
“Listen robot guy- I was given the choice to be killed or learn about whatever this is and I chose this, so I don’t care what sort of operation I stumbled on–There is nothing I wouldn’t do to know the truth” Alan responds to Agent 8, the Agent yielding as he leans back in his chair
“No need to worry about anything, Agent 8.” Abel begins to say as he taps his neck and stares at Alan. “There's a tracking chip in you that these two have, except it’s an explosive that I can activate at any time. So try not to act out”
“Explosive tracker? Man, I thought my trust issues were bad.” James jokes.
Alan gulps and James laughs.
“Don’t worry, once you hear this– There’s no way you won’t be motivated to help us. You’ll be fine” James adds.
Abel sighs as he flips over the pinboard next to him, revealing a large amalgamation of photographs and documents full of things Alan doesn’t understand.
“Save all your questions for when it’s over, there's a lot to get through.”
“Your research was correct,” Abel began, pausing for a moment to let the weight of his words settle. “There is an organization inside the New Dawn District known as the Midnight Tribunal.”
Alan’s eyes narrowed as he leaned forward.
“This group,” Abel continued, “is a faction of the most vile, malicious beings to ever taint the earth. They are devils in human disguise, spreading corruption and turmoil like a plague on all the districts—except their own.”
“There are ten members,” Abel says.
“Each one wields more influence and power than the last. They have evolved past humanity and have become closer to Gods than Man. Their Gifts are the most powerful in the world, and they use them without restraint.”
Alan opened his mouth to speak, but Abel raised a hand, silencing him.
“It started from 3 founding members,” Abel says as he points to a corner of the board, with 3 photos next to each other.
One was of a woman, with red hair and freckles, labeled ‘MT-Ⅱ’, and the other two were blank, one labeled ‘MT-Ⅰ’, and the other labeled ‘MT-??’. Alan looked closely at the photos as James and Agent 8 listened intently.
“Centuries ago these three members created a device, one known as Project_Rebirth. This device was built on top of the bodies of hundreds of innocents, and the genius of the founding members– and was capable of powering the entirety of the 13 districts infinitely.”
Abel hesitates before continuing.
“During the testing phase of this device, something went wrong– and it released the Exodus virus into the world.”
Alan jolts upwards, Agent 8 lowering his head solemnly as James looks away from Abel.
“A lot is unknown about what happened next, but we do know that these 3 founding members somehow took over the 13th district government, transformed it into the New Dawn District, and formed the Midnight Tribunal. This is why there are 12 numbered districts and one named one, and why you or anyone else has never heard of a ‘13th District’.”
Abel then points towards another section of the board, away from the corner— Pointing at a row of 8 photographs of individuals. Each photo is labeled MT-Ⅲ to MT-Ⅹ, all in roman numerals. Alan is too distracted to look closely.
Before Abel continues, he hesitates, his voice low and uneven.
“Each member has lived over a century,” he said, avoiding Alan’s gaze. “They control everything– siphoning wealth into their district and away from ours, as well as exposing us to the Exodus virus to wipe us out and leave them on top. ”
Alan shot to his feet, slamming his fist on the table. Sweat dripped down his forehead as his composure broke.
“Sit Down, Alan.” Abel said calmly.
“No! Fuck- You can’t drop a bombshell like that and just expect me to stay calm!” Alan yells as his eyes begin to water. “That virus killed my family…It turned them into giftless walking zombies! How am I supposed to stay calm hearing th-”
“You aren't the only person here who’s lost family to these monsters. Sit down and let him finish, and remember you wanted this.” James says, his tone serious and calm.
Alan stares at James, hesitating to sit as he grimaces. He then closes his eyes and sits, his anger boiling over.
“I know this is hard to grasp but it’s all true.” Abel begins to say, before putting his hand on his chest and continuing.
“My gift is my longevity. I have lived almost the same amount of time as the Midnight Tribunal, and I am the researcher who first discovered them”
Alan’s eyes widen softly.
“It took 60 years to gather enough evidence to prove their existence to the other districts. I learned everything there is to learn about every member except one.”
Abel says as he points to the corner of the board again, to the empty photograph labeled ‘MT-Ⅰ’.
“For my commitment to the truth I was rewarded with a task. One that you are now a part of, the eradication of the Midnight Tribunal.”
Alan lowers his head, his mind racing on all of the information given to him. He has many questions, but he holds back- his face becoming more and more red as he grows more frustrated.
Abel looks and sympathizes with Alan as he sees his sorry state. Agent 8 and James both continue to look towards the front, but mentally acknowledge Alan's demeanor.
Abel clears his throat before continuing.
“Regarding the mission, our first step is to kill MT-Ⅱ, otherwise known as The Angel. Her gift involves manipulating the essence of life itself, which in turn is the reason for every member's longevity and immortality. If we manage to take her out first, the rest will have no way to revive themselves once we dispose of them too.”
“These depraved people have long forgotten the fear of death. If we make them mortal again, it’ll throw them off- giving us an easier time in succeeding.” Agent 8 adds, speaking to Alan.
Alan rubs his eyes and face before raising his head once more.
“Yeah…I understand” He says as he recollects himself, waiting for Abel to continue.
“Problem with killing MT-Ⅱ though is that she hasn’t been seen in public in over 25 years, so we had to find a way around it.” Abel says as he crosses his arms.
“Our leading theory for this is that she is in a romantic relationship with MT-Ⅰ, who prevents her from going out in public to keep her safe. So we had to come up with a plan”
Abel points at a section of the board with 2 photographs of mysterious men labeled ‘Team Ouroboros’.
"This is where our insider spies come in. Through my research, I discovered that Alice Beaumont is a very big fan of classical music and orchestras. So, I had our two spies infiltrate high-society parties in New Dawn to plant the idea of a high-quality production orchestra in the minds of the most powerful. And it worked."
“I didn’t know it worked already?” James says in response, Agent 8 nodding along in agreement.
“We are still waiting on an exact time and date for the event, and we still don’t know if MT-Ⅱ will even be in attendance– but we have confirmed it is happening and Team Ouroboros has flown under the radar regarding their involvement.”
“how?” Alan asks softly.
The others turn and look to him confused
“What kind of gifts do these spies have that let them fly under the radar? What kind of gifts does every member of this tribunal have? I feel like I know nothing still– and I'm left with more questions than answers,” Alan continues, his fist clenched on the table as he sits up, clearly frustrated.
Abel sighs and flips the board back around, showing the empty backside.
“I know you are frustrated, but we would be here all day if we told you everything we know. It's better to have you sit on this information for a little while, and we can discuss more in our next meeting tomorrow.” Abel starts to say in response.
“Remember, every person in this room is a part of this. We are now a team, one tasked with saving humanity from the blight that is the New Dawn. So go get some rest, in our meeting tomorrow we’ll discuss everything about the first target and answer any questions Alan might have. You are dismissed.” Abel finishes as he turns to walk out and leave.
“Wait-” Agent 8 says as he stands alongside James, both men preparing to exit as well.
“Does that mean you are joining us? Like on the outside?” He asks as Abel, who's now standing by the door, stopped in place to listen.
Abel turns his head slightly before speaking,
“Yeah- I am. It’s been awhile since I've been on the field…I'm uh, restless.” He says before opening the door in front of him and leaving.
Agent 8 smiles alongside James as they both follow, the three men exiting as they leave Alan alone in the meeting room.
Alan stares at the backside of the pinboard, slumping in his chair and grimacing as his eyes begin to water once more– lingering on the same cycle of thoughts that continue to repeat in his brain.
A few hours later, deep in the night, Alan sat alone in the same meeting room. He leaned heavily against the table, his eyes fixed on the pinboard Abel had referenced earlier.
The photographs, documents, and strings of data stared back at him, a chaotic web of information he tried to piece together like a puzzle. His mind raced to find connections, but nothing fit- he just didn’t understand it.
Frustration simmered beneath the surface as he stepped back, running a hand through his hair.
Then the door to his left opens, and James enters.
“I came by your room, you weren’t there so I thought I might find you here..”
James said as he entered.
Alan didn’t respond, he looked over and smiled slightly but couldn’t muster a response. He was too tired, too drained.
“I get it- it's a lot,” James began to say as he walked closer to Alan, stopping a few feet away. “I would say I understand how you feel, but I don’t. I’ve been in this game ever since I was a kid.”
Alan looks to James skeptical, his eyes showing disbelief in what he just said.
“A kid?” He mustered.
James nodded and smiled as he moved to sit right next to Alan on the table, the two sitting side by side and analyzing the board together.
“Let me tell you something about the ‘Midnight Tribunal’,” James said, Alan listening intently.
“They’re always doing shady, corrupt shit—every damn day. But there’s one thing they do that goes beyond all of that. Something that trumps all that shady stuff.
“What is it?
“They kidnap kids.”
Alan chuckles, his demeanor shifting as he loosens up and punches James shoulder.
“Thanks for that- that's pretty funny” He said as he turned to face James.
James stared back at Alan, his face completely flat and serious. Alan immediately stops and appears disappointed.
“Are…Are you serious?”
James stands and walks to the left side of the board, Alan watching intently. James then points towards a very ominous photograph on the board, one labeled MT-Ⅳ.
In the photo was a masculine figure wearing a crimson red suit and tie, with a red hat covering his eyes by shadow.
“This guy right here is one of the scariest people alive.” James begins to say as he lowers his pointing finger. “Him along with another Tribunal member created an algorithm, one that detects gifts in recently conceived newborns. Even if the gift hasn’t manifested yet.”
“How is that even possible?” Alan asked.
“When Abel called these people gods, he was down playing it” James said fearfully.
“Whenever this algorithm detects a gift that rivals the Midnight Tribunal, they go after the child. Kidnapping them and taking care of the parents, either by giving them amnestics or by killing them. I know this because I was one of those children”
“What happened to you?” Alan asks somberly, remorseful for James.
“I…I don't really know” James began.
“I can’t seem to remember much, but I know that Abel rescued me and told me where I came from. A small part of me remembers the feeling of being experimented on and killed over and over as a boy, but it's very foggy.”
“What about your parents?” Alan asked as James came and sat next to him once more.
“That I do remember- and they are fine. After I was rescued I tried to reconnect, but they forgot all about me. Had another kid, a little girl I think…They never even knew they had a son”
Alan puts his hand on James' shoulder and lowers his head in sympathy.
“I’m sorry… I now know what you meant earlier– with the whole family thing you said during the meeting.”
“Don’t even worry about it-” James says as he moves Alan's hand off of him. “I’m perfectly content with being lucky enough to murder the bastards who did it to me”
Alan smiles softly as the two sit in silence for a moment, both staring at the board and lingering in the moment they're sharing together.
Then Alan's eyes widen, remembering one of the questions he had for Abel during the meeting.
“Two things,” Alan said, holding up two fingers. “First, thank you for vouching for me earlier. I wouldn’t be alive right now if it weren’t for you.”
James nods and smiles after turning and meeting Alan's gaze.
“Second, I started to notice after you mentioned it in the interrogation room, but is this place really called ‘God's Blind Spot’? I’ve seen many ‘G.B.S’ symbols around.”
“Well I can tell you, yes it is called that. Are you asking why it's called that or are you just curious about the name?” James asks Alan.
“I can’t say I'm not curious to hear why it's called that I suppose,” Alan responds.
James puts his hand on his chin and ponders for a moment, considering how he wants to explain it to Alan.
“In your time researching, did you ever discover that it’s possible to extract a gift from an individual and place it into something?” James asks.
“I wasn’t aware it was possible until Abel said something about it regarding Project Rebirth”
“Don’t worry, I’m in the same boat. I honestly thought the founders were the only people who knew how it was done, until I found out Abel learned how to as well”
Alan appears shocked as the two now face each other.
“I have no fucking clue how he does it- as he's incredibly secretive regarding it. I’m actually 90% sure Harry and I are the only two who know he can.”
James began to say.
“From what I have gathered, there was once a person who had a gift that made everyone in a radius around them invisible to the outside world, as well as fortified your mind against people with mental gifts. At some point Abel extracted this persons gift into a device, and he used it for the 8 decades he spent spying on the midnight tribunal”
Alan looks confused towards him, his facial expression saying, ‘What does this have to do with my question?’ as James continued.
“I know, I know, I'm getting there-” he said as he chuckled slightly. “Once Abel showed his work to the 12 districts and was given his contract, he upgraded the device to a standalone machine.”
James then stands and stretches his arms out to Alan.
“And that is why we call it God's Blind Spot. That machine he created protects us from all the nasty infogathers of the New Dawn- outside of this facility, no one even knows we exist. That’s also the reason why we were so hostile with you when you managed to break in”
Alan still looks slightly confused as James lowers his arms.
“Wait…Then why is there no electronics? Wouldn’t that device let us use them?” Alan asked.
“Actually I kind of agree with you, I don’t really know fully why but Abel says it's just an extra precaution. He’s all about safety.”
Alan then gets off the table and stands, the two men now face to face in front of the pinboard.
James gave Alan’s arm a reassuring pat before turning away.
“Cheer up and get some rest,” he said, his voice carrying a strange mix of reassurance and foreboding. “You’re gonna learn everything you need to know and more tomorrow.”
With that, he walked out, the door clicking shut behind him.
Alan sat in silence, his eyes following James until he disappeared. The room felt heavier now, the atmosphere lonelier and more bleak. Slowly, he turned back toward the pinboard, his gaze drifting over the chaotic web of photos, notes, and strings. Then, something caught his eye—something he hadn’t noticed before.
At the very top, barely visible amidst the clutter, was a single line of text, stark and ominous:
The Doctor sat in his quiet laboratory, rubbing his sunken eyes and cheeks as he tried to wake himself up. He hadn't slept or eaten in days, and his face looked closer to that of a ghost then a man. On the other end of his desk was a large machine with a magnetic top and bottom holding a pulsating core in its center. Papers were scattered all over the doctors desk, most regarding the device, giving it the name Project_Rebirth.
On the doctor's chest was a name tag, ‘C. Russell’. He wore a lab coat and dark pants with a poorly buttoned shirt, as if he put it on quickly.
As the doctor adjusted himself in his chair and sat up, he heard the familiar footsteps of a coworker and friend, and turned to the direction of the noise.
"Hello Alice," he said softly,
"You look well, Russell." Alice said sarcastically to him. She wore an outfit similar to his, a lab coat with pants and a button up shirt. Her eyes were amber, her hair was a soft red, and she had freckles that covered her face. On her chest was a nametag, one that said 'A. Beaumont'.
"What is it I can help you with?" Russell asked.
"Just wanted to check on you and the project, I'm afraid it's taking a toll on you." Alice responded to him.
"It's taken a toll on all three of us," Russell begins to say as he faces away from Alice and to the glass covering the machine's core, his reflection staring back at him.
"Is anyone getting suspicious?"
"Not yet." Alice says, "I don't know how much longer we have but-"
Footsteps are heard once more as the two stop talking, turning to face the doorway in unison.
In the walkway was a man, one wearing darker and more casual clothing than the two, He had dark black hair, with scruffy facial hair and light blue eyes. In between his lips was the end of a cigarette, one that he dropped to his hand and flicked into a trash can next to him.
"Why are you both just staring at me?" the man said.
Both Doctors looked at each other then back to the man, Russell uttering the first words,
“What are you wearing?” He said confusingly, turning his chair towards him.
“Uhhh- clothes?” The man said as he walked closer to the two. “You didn’t think I would wear that ugly lab coat did you?”
“No one stopped you on the way up here?” Alice asked him.
“You know how it is,” The man responded as he patted his pants pocket, the outline of a box of cigarettes shown. “Nobody seemed to notice me”
Russell stood up from his chair and put his hand on the side of the man's arm as he came closer, beginning to speak.
“You came at a good time,” he began to say, “We were discussing the plan- Alice was just telling me about the higher ups and if anyone's getting suspicious of the three of us.”
The man puts his hand on Russells arm and smiles.
“You worry too much. No one has any idea, and if they did you know I’ll take care of it.” he said as he lowered Russells arm, turning to face the device. The others joined him, and the three stared at their reflection in the glass.
“I know it’s been hard” The man said somberly, Dr Russell and Beaumonts facial expressions saddening before the man raises his arms and puts them around the two.
“Everything we’ve done will be worth it, every step, every choice, every death- It all leads here. This isn’t just another sunrise, it's a New Dawn.”
“Nothing can stop us now”